

Online Authoring Tool

Quickly and effortlessly create courses, crosswords and other courseware.

What can you do

While Creatorive is still under development, it already has useful functionality.
Join for free and see for yourself, or take a look at all the different registration options, if you wish to support our work.

Create and export Crosswords

Create crosswords that you can print, email or upload to your own website (using one of our free viewers)


Create and store assets

Create and upload videos, images and crosswords. Store them to use in your lessons and courses.


Create Lessons and Courses

Easily create Lessons and add your Lessons to your Courses. Once done, you can export your material, print it, email it, or upload it to your website.

Creatorive's goal is to simplify the way we create and integrate crosswords, images, videos, quizzes and other content into lessons and courses.
Because we want you to create the best and the most in the shortest amount of time.
Quickly create Crosswords with Creatorive, then export them to your own website, or print them as .pdf and create your own ebook. If you have a Wordpress based website, you can use our free Wordpress Plugin to upload your Creatorive crosswords, and make them available to your users.